Research Universities
May 20, 2020
Gain a Competitive Advantage with McAllister & Quinn’s Strategic Intelligence Services for Research Universities. We deliver strategic intelligence that helps research universities understand federal agency and legislative priorities and funding programs
Our services:
- Program Analysis: We provide intelligence on federal funding programs to increase the competitiveness of proposals. Program analyses typically include insights about strategic teaming and human intelligence from program officials and awardees.
- Sponsor Analysis: We provide intelligence on sponsor priorities inclusive of tracking federal legislative and appropriations developments and historic trends that influence research priorities. This intelligence provides early warning about sponsor’s aims.
- Landscape Analysis: We provide ongoing intelligence about the research landscape across a variety of research topics to help universities better understand and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors and potential research partners.
- Capacity Benchmarking: We provide holistic SWOT assessments inclusive of faculty feedback and analysis of proposals, awards, and research publications to provide universities with a deep understanding of their own capacity to pursue external funding.
We work with you to track, understand, and use this intelligence to inform leadership decisions. Learn more by contacting us here.