Grants Strategy Healthcare Hospitals & Health Systems
January 10, 2024
McAllister & Quinn’s Managing Director Emily Bratten, Strategic Consultant Jay Janssen, and Senior Vice President Ed Williams presented a webinar on Positioning Your HRSA Grant Application for Success.
Key Highlights Include:
- HRSA’s focus on medically underserved areas/populations (MUA/Ps), interest in geographic diversity (rural/urban), and how to align with HRSA’s funding goals.
- How to best position the subsections of the Project Narrative, including Purpose and Need, Work Plan, Methodology, Sustainability, Evaluation, Resolution of Challenges, and Organizational Information.
- We also discuss budget narrative justifications, indirect cost rates, and any matching fund requirements, as well as common standard attachments, including the standardized work plan, CVs (NIH biosketch format), key positions and job descriptions, maintenance of effort, project organization chart and/or institution organization chart, memorandum of understanding (MOU), and letters of commitment.
- HRSA’s Funding Priority and Funding Preference, and tips for hospital system foundation staff to get buy-in and compile the needed information.
If you are interested in learning more about federal grant-seeking strategies and would like to consult with us directly, please contact us here.