The NIH Specific Aims page can be one of the most difficult for a principal investigator to write, but it is also one of the most important. In one short page, the PI must convey the need for and novelty of their research, communicate their team’s expertise, and gain the trust of the reviewer.
McAllister & Quinn hosted a one hour training for its clients “Crafting your Concept into Compelling NIH Specific Aims” which focused on the step-by-step process to turn a concept into a strong specific aims page. The presenter discussed the NIH merit review criteria, dissected the specific aims page section by section, reviewed key tips for a strong and engaging specific aims page, and provided guidance on how to communicate with the program officer.
Following the presentation, every viewer received a Specific Aims concept paper template, NIH Specific Aims Guidance, and Anatomy of a Specific Aims Page documents to take to their institution.
The presenter is a Ph.D. with over 15 years of NIH experience as both a researcher and writer, who has assisted our clients in securing millions of dollars in federal awards.